The story.
One September morning while I was vacationing in Maine, my son woke up early and wanted to watch a kids show. As luck would have it an episode of Curious George was on. In this episode (as best as I can remember it) George makes maple syrup and some other antics ensue. And that’s how the idea got into my head.
My brain on syrup.
I found the process of gathering and boiling down the sap to be just as enjoyable as enjoying the end product. Still, it wasn’t enough to tap the trees on my mother-in-law’s property, or repurpose an old oil tank as an evaporator (and then some other things). I had grander ambitions.
The first of these was coming up with a name for the endeavor. After exploring some candidates and doing some sketches, I decided on using the name of the street (Bunyan rd, named after Paul Bunyan) and since the property is on a hill….well you get the rest.
Boiling it down.
I wanted a nontraditional look since this was a hobby operation (with big ambitions). In my mind a kept picturing a Paul Bunyan like character, holding an axe…but in a suit, a backwoods hipster type. What would he be drinking? Well he would be drinking maple syrup. Out of this visualization my logo explorations were influenced whiskey and bourbon brands.
End result
The emblematic lockup, typeface and adjustments reflect the whiskey/bourbon/scotch influence, while the axe embodies the Paul Bunyan legend.